In fact, the name iolite comes from the Greek for “violet.” Known in mineralogy as cordierite, this violet gem may be bluish in shade. Source: Humanfeather / Michelle Jo via Wikimedia Commons Ioliteīeside blue, iolite also occurs as violet stones. For that reason, the purple stone is separately identified in mineralogy as mangan-vesuvianite. This purple crystal gets its color from manganese inclusion. Beside yellow and green, idocrase also occurs as purple stones. Idocrase is an alternate name for the mineral vesuvianite. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Purple Idocrase In astrology, the gemstone is associated with the zodiac sign Virgo. Zircon is a traditional birthstone for December. While most popular in blue, zircon also occurs as purple stones. Often made a substitute to diamond, zircon is an excellent gemstone, be it in terms of clarity, luster or hardness. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Purple Zircon

Zircon in different colors, including purple Tanzanite has become quite a popular purple gem that the relatively new gemstone was designated as modern birthstone for December. Discovered only in 1967 in Tanzania (hence the name tanzanite), this purple crystal is a variety of zoisite, which is a glassy mineral also found in green and yellow. While also found in blue, tanzanite is most popularly known to occur as purple stones, and is the modern exemplification of purple gemstones. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Tanzanite Pegged at 7.5 to 8 in the Mohs scale, the purple crystal is quite hard and durable, making the purple gem very suitable for jewelry. Glassy in clarity and luster, this purple semi-precious stone is pale in intensity, and therefore appears lavender or lilac rather than actually purple. While most popular in red, spinel also occurs as purple stones. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Purple Spinel In astrology, tourmaline is a birthstone for Leo. Though the pink variety was specified, all colored tourmalines are commonly regarded as birthstone for October. These purple crystals come from the species of tourmaline called elbaite, including the highly valuable Paraiba tourmaline. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Purple TourmalineĪ gemstone found in all the colors of the rainbow, tourmaline also occurs as purple stones. 51 Types of Green Gemstones for Jewelry.In astrology, opal is a birthstone for Libra. Opal in general is the birthstone for October. When cut to include only this play of colors, the opal stone can appear entirely purple. The purple is found mostly in the flash or play of colors found on the body. While most valuable in black and most common in white, opal also occurs as purple stones. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Purple Opal In astrology, garnet is Aquarius birthstone. Garnet in general is the birthstone for January. This color-changing garnet is among the most expensive of purple gemstones with prices of up to $3,000 a carat. Blue garnet, the rarest of all garnets, itself turns purple under an incandescent light. The purple crystals come from the varieties of garnet called pyrope and spessartine. While most popular in red, garnet also occurs as purple stones.

Source: WesternDevil via Wikimedia Commons Purple Garnet Formerly mistaken to have been a variety of spinel, the purple stone was identified to be a different mineral by Richard Taaffe, after whom the gemstone was named. Taaffeite is one of the rarest gemstones in the world, and is accordingly among the most valuable of purple gemstones at around $6,000 a carat. Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0 Taaffeiteīeside red, taaffeite is the first and only mineral that was discovered after the stone was cut and faceted. Alexandrite is a traditional birthstone for June. A rare mineral, the color-changing gemstone is the most valuable of purple gemstones next to diamond with prices of up to $45,000 per carat. Beside red or pink, alexandrite can also turn into a purple stone at night under an incandescent light, while appearing green at daytime.

Source: The Hope Diamond via Wikimedia Commons An alexandrite crystal at night AlexandriteĪlexandrite is a color-changing gemstone from the mineral chrysoberyl. In astrology, diamond is the birthstone of the Aries zodiac sign. Diamond in general is the birthstone for April. Like the rest of their kind, these violet and purple rocks are the hardest of minerals, and display extraordinary brilliance owing to their high refractive index, making them the most expensive of purple gemstones, with prices of up to $1.5M a carat. While most popular for its white variety, diamond also occurs as violet and purple jewels, which are among the rarest of diamonds. Gold ring with amethyst, the popular gemstone representing the color purple Purple Diamond